Public sector whistleblowing in Australia

The Queensland, New South Wales and Commonwealth Ombudsman offices have
released a joint issues paper on Public Interest Disclosure Legislation in Australia which reviews all existing public sector
whistleblowing legislation. Prepared by Dr A J Brown of Griffith
the paper illustrates the inconsistencies between the nine Acts
covering whistleblowing in Australia — ranging from who will be
protected, how they will be protected and the obligations on agencies

The paper asks 10 questions:

1. How should whistleblowing be defined?
2. Who should be eligible for whistleblower protection?
3. Should Public & private sector be covered by same law(s)?
4. What types of wrongdoing should be able to be disclosed?
5. How do we guard against misuse?
6. How should disclosures be received, handled & investigated?
7. What legal protection should be provided?
8. Should there be disclosures to non-government actors?
9. How should whistleblowers & internal witnesses be managed?
10. How can public integrity agencies play more effective roles?

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