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Let’s get started

We specialise in working with Australian financial service providers to help you manage regulatory compliance. Fill out the form or email us and we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss how we can help. Or phone us if you prefer.

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Phone: 07 3878 5098

We can meet you at your office or at ours:

Level 3, 240 Queen Street,
Brisbane, QLD

Post: PO Box 1282
Indooroopilly Q 4068

Please note: Merely contacting us or submitting information will not create a client relationship. We will not become your legal advisers until a client agreement is signed. To enable us to decide whether we can act for you, please provide only your details and any names of the other parties. Confidential information about the substance of the matter should not be supplied. Bright Law does not undertake to protect any confidential information provided by email or webform until our engagement is commenced.

Your privacy: Bright Law collects your personal information so we can provide and market services to you. You have a right to access certain personal information which we collect and hold about you. You may contact us at . Further privacy information is available here.


Your Compliance Support Plan

We understand you need a cost-effective way to keep up to date with regulatory changes. Talk to us about our fixed price plans.