Customers are demanding change

In The Revolt of the Corporate Consumer in the Wall Street Journal (via Steve Hebert) David Bank discusses a change in the software industry: "the buyers … are clearly calling the shots. They are wrangling for better prices, demanding software that’s more reliable and secure, and resisting software companies’ push for constant — and expensive — upgrades."

Steve Hebert responds to the article in detail as a software developer.

The Wired GC goes one step further and draws the analogy with corporate client demands for bottom line value being made on the legal profession.

I was called on by a friend last week to interpret a litigation Settlement Deed. Out of a 8 page document, the key provision was contained in one paragraph with 20 lines and no full stop. I had to read it a number of times and concluded that the paragraph did not clearly say what it was supposed to say.

Where was the value for the client?. The document had been through 2 legal firms before coming to me but the key issue had not been unambiguously addressed. What a waste of time. I made the correction manually (old fashioned pen on paper) and got it signed up.

How is that story relevant? Clients are having the same experience in technology. Manufacturers are bundling hardware and software that does not need to be bundled. The key client needs are either not being met or are over-serviced.

As in financial services and legal services, consumers want technology services unbundled so they can determine where the value lies. And they want results.

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